Reinventing HPC



ISC Tutorials will be held on Sunday, May 12, 2024, from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm.

Full-day tutorials are scheduled from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Half-day tutorials are held from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (morning) or 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm (afternoon).

An accepted tutorial must be organized and hosted in person at ISC 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.

ISC will promote the tutorials as part of the regular conference publicity activities. However, it is recommended that tutorial organizers use their own channels to further attract attendees to their events.

Tutorials will not be streamed or recorded.


Rooms & Breaks

Tutorial Rooms

The tutorial rooms are located on the second floor, rooms Y1-Y12, of the Congress Center Hamburg.

The tutorial rooms are open from 7:30 am onward. The seating is a mixture of classroom and theater styles.


Tutorial organizers are advised to stick to the lunch and coffee break schedules. Please respect the attendees' need for a break and also network with other attendees.

  • 8:00 am – 9:00 am Welcome coffee
  • 11:00 am – 11:30 am Coffee break
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch break
  • 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Coffee break

Lunch and coffee break refreshments are available to all registered ISC tutorial attendees. The breaks will take place in the hallway of the same level (Foyer Y).

Tutorial Schedule

Registration & Promo codes

Tutorial organizers and speakers must register for an ISC 2024 tutorial pass.

The ISC organizers will grant a 100% discount on the tutorial pass to a limited number of tutorial presenters. The number of presenters with complimentary passes is limited to seven for full-day tutorials and four for half-day tutorials. Promo codes for complimentary access will be e-mailed to the presenter around mid-March.

Submission process and deadlines

Please use the Linklings submission platform to upload the next stages.

Stage 2 - Working materials for attendees: April 30, 2024, 11:59 pm AoE

Stage 3 (optional) - Final presentation materials / slides: May 11, 2024 via Linklings (afterwards request to program-support(at) )

Please read the presentation material section below

Presentation materials upload

All materials submitted will be available to registered tutorial participants within Swapcard. Please upload your working materials for tutorial attendees, like slides, handouts, etc., via Linklings by April 30, 2024, at the latest. If you have additional or revised slides, you can upload them with our upload form (request to program-support(at) ).

Please feel free to use the ISC title slide or presentation background in your presentation materials.

Tutorial preferences of attendees

Attendees register for the tutorial day and not for a specific tutorial. They can specify their "preference" for one tutorial. These preferences should be treated with caution since most people register early to benefit from the advance fee but only make specific plans for program sessions to attend just before the conference.

The registered number of preferences for single tutorials can be obtained from the ISC organizers. Please get in touch with them. However, they cannot provide a list of participants upfront. Tutorial organizers will need to collect this data during the tutorial by asking people to fill in a sheet.

Technical equipment

Please bring your laptop and power adapters. The tutorial rooms will include a projector, screen, sound system, lectern, board table, and Wifi connection. The room equipment does not include laptops and adapters. The slide format is 16:9, and the projector uses an HDMI connection.

If you have any special technical requirements for your presentation, please let the organizers know by April 15, 2024, at the latest. Macintosh users are asked to bring their HDMI adapters.

Travel Support

According to the Call for Tutorial, Tutorial presenters from academia may receive travel support. Travel support will be granted to a maximum of two presenters from academia for half-day tutorials and four presenters from academia for full-day tutorials. Presenters holding two half-day tutorials are treated like presenters of full-day tutorials. If you have more presenters from academia, the maximum amount will be split among the presenters. You will receive a separate e-mail about travel support.

You (or a pre-designated representative) can pick up your travel grant in cash from the check-in counter until Wednesday, May 15, 4 pm. The claim expires unless the fund is picked up on Wednesday. The counter is located on the ground floor.

Feedback / Surveys

We will collect attendee feedback on each tutorial within their page on Swapcard (the “Rate this tutorial” button will take the attendee to the survey.) Please remind the attendees to rate your tutorial. The more often you remind them, the likelier they will rank your presentation.

Our feedback slide with a QR code can be included in your presentation.