ISC High Performance bestows awards annually to recognize research excellence by individuals and research groups from the global HPC communities.


ISC 2024 Jack Dongarra Early Career AwardThe ISC High Performance Jack Dongarra Early Career Award and Lecture Series is an annual event that honors the remarkable contributions of Professor Jack Dongarra to the field of high performance computing and the HPC community.

Amanda Randles of Duke University’s Biomedical Engineering Department and Edgar Solomonik of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois receive the ISC 2024 Jack Dongarra Early Career Award.

Each recipient will receive 2,500 euros and a certificate of recognition.


ISC 2024 Hans Meuer AwardThe award honors the best research paper submitted to the conference’s Research Papers Committee. This award has been introduced in the memory of the late Dr. Hans Meuer, general chair of the ISC conference from 1986 through 2014, and co-founder of the TOP500 project.

The Hans Meuer Award includes a cash prize of 3,000 Euros and an award certificate.

The paper selected as the winner of the ISC 2024 Hans Meuer Award is:

Evaluation of the Classical Hardware Requirements for Large-Scale Quantum Computations
authored by Daan Camps, Ermal Rrapaj, Katherine Klymko, Brian Austin, Nicholas J. Wright (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)

NERSC Quantum Team Compute estimate



Springer, the international publisher specializing in science, technology and medicine, sponsors the call for research posters.

ISC 2024 Research Poster Award

It recognizes three outstanding research posters as selected by members of the posters committee.

The award includes a cash prize of 500 Euros (first place), 300 Euros (second place) and 200 Euros (third place).

The following posters received the ISC 2024 Research Poster Award:

1st place: QFRAGS: An Accurate High-Performance Automatic Molecular Fragmentation for Quantum Chemistry
authored by Fiona Yu, Jorge Galvez Vallejo, Giuseppe Maria Junior Barca (The Australian National University, Australia)

2nd place: Guided Quantum Walk
authored by Sebastian Schulz, Dennis Willsch, Kristel Michielsen (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)

3rd place: High-Performance Semi-Supervised Learning with HARVEST: A Distributed Computer Vision Framework for Expert Labeling
authored by Nawras Alnaasan, Matthew Lieber, Aamir Shafi, Hari Subramoni, Scott Shearer, Dhabaleswar K. Panda (The Ohio State University, USA)